Sunday, March 11, 2007

15 December 2006, Friday

There was another appointment with the qynae. I lost a kilogram in weight and my blood pressure was a little low so was sent for a CTG scan. Well, your heartbeat seemed fine but you were sleeping most of the time. So the nurses kept pushing and poking at my tummy in the hope of waking you up.

On top of that, there was no contractions. Now, I remembered asking you to wait but that was to wait for the gynae to return from her leave not wait till your effective date had passed.

When checked by the gynae, we realised that the cervix was not open yet! Now, why are you so reluctant to come out? So, we (Daddy, gynae and me) decided that it was the time to induce you out before any complications can occur.

Gynae pushed a tablet into the cervix to help open it up. We would have to wait for 6 to 12 hours for the contractions to come in. So, I had to be warded and then we waited...

However, Ashlyn was very upset because she could not stay at the hospital with me. She was very reluctant to go home with MaMa. She called when she reached home, after she had her dinner and before she went to sleep. Now, the last call was heart wrenching because she was crying very pitifully and kept saying," Mummy, I want you!"

So little Averlyn, don't you think you should really make your way out so that your sister and me will not feel so sad?

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