Thursday, April 5, 2007

13 March 2007, Tuesday - Turning on your side

You had been trying to turn onto your side for the past few days. Today, you managed to turn onto your left side and stayed in that position for about 30 seconds.

What do you like to do now?

1) Suck your fists and fingers

You have found your hands and they will go directly into your mouth when we are not looking.

2) Smile

You love to smile. As long as we smile to you, you will return us your brilliant smile.

3) "Talk"

You enjoy "talking" to yourself and to others. When we try to talk to you or call your name, you will smile and then start "talking" to us.

4) Watch your sister

Yes, you seems to be in love with your sister. Your eyes will follow her wherever she goes.

5) Listen to stories

Your sister has been assigned the task of reading to you in the afternoons while I cook dinner. You will lay quietly in the playpen and listen.

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