Your repertoire of words are increasing and it is so fun to hear you tell us what you want.
However, your promounciation is far from accurate and it tickles us to hear you talk and sometimes, we will be like playing a charade trying to guess what you are saying.
Such as...
"I wan nuk" - I want milk -> I want to drink milk
"Opin pease" - open please
"Ta que" - thank you
"I wan pay" - I want play -> I want to play
"I wan pit"- I want sweet -> I want to eat sweet
"Ar choo" - Bless you
"rid boo" - read book
"I wan ti ti" - I want sh sh -> I need to go use the bathroom
"I wan bid" - I want bed -> I want to lie down on the bed
"ta ow pease" - take out please
"I wan do" - I want do
"eat brid" - eat bread
"curi pease" - carry please -> Please carry me